Sunday, March 23, 2014

Newlyns Farm Lambing Weekend!

Yesterday my family and I went to Newlyns Farm in Basingstoke. We spent our afternoon hanging out with some sheep and Lambs. It was a real experience for me and it really felt Spring was on it's way! Here are a few pictures to make it clearer for all of you......

The Entry was £3 for adults and any child under the age of 3 was free. You then went around some cages where you saw the Lambs with their mother. As you can see the little lambs were only a few hours old. If you were lucky you got to see the mothers giving birth. It was very touching and warming to see. However you had to be brave as it did involve quite a lot of blood. There was also few week old lambs in a separate cage. 

They were so adorable! They also talked a lot and if you touched them they would give you a head but! After having a good look at the sheep we also looked at the pigs, chickens and ducks! There were also little chicks.....

After looking round the farm we then had lunch. We had a hog roast burger and for pudding a berrie and clotted cream ice cream.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Snap -Shots

Hello everybody, Long time no see! I decided to do another blog post for you guys. This post doesn't involve a lot of words in it but a lot of pictures. Not last weekend but the weekend before it was so warm and sunny. The weather was perfect! So my family and I definitely took the most of it and whilst I was out and about I took out my grand Canon camera and took some big girl pictures! I decided to share them with you, so here are a few pictures I took:

I love this one cus the sun is shining through the hills and it looks really magical...

I am very thankful that the area we are in is so stunning! It really makes sunny days extra nice 